Lots of CAD work to do…A500Mini

Everything ‘fits’ – Lots of tweaking needed

I keep working with EASYEDA from JLCPCB as it’s just ‘easy’ and their PCB part has a great Export 3D model. For us metric types, just scale it by 0.254 and it fits like a glove. Very useful to align electronics and plastics in more complex models.

The new switches arrived

So, now to tweak the CAD to match the switches, make sure my resin printers are running, hand solder up a bunch of the sample switches onto an early revision keyboard, test and…

Keyboards! – Progress on the A500 Mini working keyboard.

Version 9 – Looks just like all the other ones 😛

Version 9 – Testing for interference fits – the support column is exactly underneath the RP2040 , D’oh!

Continue reading “Keyboards! – Progress on the A500 Mini working keyboard.”