The Spectrum Next LED Inserts

The spectrum Next has a new Kickstarter! Currently sitting about 1.2 MILLION!!

And, the professionally produced LED inserts PCB’s have arrived at Bleugh.Biz HQ

Tiny! That’s a British 10p
The Resin printed plastics fit perfectly

One slight error on my part, I forgot to ask them to send individual pcb’s, meaning I have to hand cut out 600+ of them :-p

But, they Fit and give me back a tiny amount of space for me to make the walls of the inserts thicker…


The Super LED Blinkenator 2000 progress…

This is the inserts being ‘mass produced’ at a PCBA manufacturer:-)

I’ve purchased a reel of 5000 LED’s and paid for them to make and solder them to as many boards as they can…which should be about 620 odd

Continue reading “The Super LED Blinkenator 2000 progress…”